What Will Yield Better Results: Content Marketing or SEO for Dispensaries?

It’s been almost a year since dispensaries started sprouting everywhere and the way they communicated with their customers went from face-to-face communication, niche directories and word-of-mouth recommendation to websites and Facebook pages and the whole SEO shebang. Many dispensary managers are wondering what’s more prudent for their digital marketing efforts – investing in SEO for dispensaries or content marketing? What will set them apart from the rest and bring in more customers? Before we get to that, let’s see how SEO and content marketing differ, if at all.

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How NOT To Skyrocket Your Mobile Strategy? [Infographic]

When mobile-first indexing rose and shone last November, it was a wake-up call for many. The importance of mobile optimization hit home and now businesses are increasingly stumbling over their attempts to make their websites as mobile-optimized as possible. Needless to say, this has had a lot of money, time and effort wasted. The concept of mobile optimization is not a cut-and-dry one-size-fits-all thing.

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